THQ Celebrates Ten Years – Gives Out Two Free Steam Games

THQ, in celebration of its ten years, has decided to give out two classic games for free as part of their festivities.


THQ has been back for a while now under a new name called THQ Nordic. The original company was an American publisher before going bust. However, the name was resurrected and taken over by Nordic Games. Since 2011 they have been acquiring multiple small to medium IP-s, mostly to remake them and build up a massive catalogue.

Such new games include Destroy All Humans, BioMutant, Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, Darksiders Franchise, and even A Spongebob videogame. While these choices do seem a bit safe, they are many beloved games that they are bringing back, remastering and making them available on console or PC where they were not available before.

Today on the 17th of September 2021, they are having an official THQ Showcase celebrating (we wrote about that news here in full detail here), the ten years since the company has been reformed, and some new games to announce.

In honour of this, the company is giving away two PC games on steam, Jagged Alliance 1: Gold Edition and Titan Quest Anniversary Edition. The two games can be claimed until the 23rd of September 2021. Players who claim their games before then will have them permanently added to their Steam library and will be able to play and re-install them after the deal has ended.

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition combines the main game and its Immortal Throne expansion pack into one big package. The game is an action RPG that was released back in 2006. This version upgrades the original game with more resolutions, modding support and restored plus improved multiplayer mode.

Jagged Alliance 1: Gold Edition contains both Jagged Alliance and its spin-off Deadly Games and allowing players to experience one of the most challenging games released in the 1990s, as the previous versions had some problems on modern PCs.

Furthermore, the show today will be hosted by Geoff Keighley and promises the return of long-dormant franchises, with some epic announcements.


Source: VGC

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Bence is a Senior Staff Writer for our site. He is an avid gamer, that enjoys all genres, from Indie to AAA games. He mostly plays on the PS4 or on the laptop (since some indies get a preview build there faster). Loves obscure Japanese games that no one else dares to review on this site.

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