AMD Says Supply Problems Will Not Improve Until At Least 2023

AMD assures that the situation regarding components will not improve much in 2022



2021 will be remembered as the year in which the next generation should have started rolling out, but in the end, it was not to be. Both PlayStation 5 and Xbox X Series are being severely affected by component shortages that are preventing more machines from being available in shops, and the problem looks set to drag on for a long time if we listen to the protagonists.

These days the idea has been reaffirmed once again, as AMD, one of the world’s leading technology manufacturers, has pointed out that the chip shortage situation will not improve in 2022 and will last until 2023. In fact, they say that the second half of next year will not see the normality we are hoping for either.

“In our market, we will see a supply decline in the second half of 2022,” says AMD CTO Mark Papermaster, as quoted by Business Line. “It will last until 2023. That’s when we expect a normal balance between supply and demand.”

It’s worth remembering that this doesn’t just affect consoles but also the brand’s processors and graphics cards that supply much of the world’s PC gaming. In fact, the lack of semiconductors is hurting a multitude of technology products worldwide, including the automotive industry.

Looking at video games, both PlayStation and Xbox are expected to bolster their stock for Christmas shopping. Both have let it slip, with PS5 hitting more shops and Microsoft preparing to stock up on the new X Series to coincide with the success of its end of year releases.

Source: thehindubusinessline

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