Chloe Zhao Teases New Dracula Movie With Universal Pictures

Nomadland and Eternals director Chloe Zhao is reportedly working on a modern reimagination of the Dracula legend.



It was revealed earlier this year that Eternals and Nomadland director Chloe Zhao would be taking on a new version of Bram Stoker’s Dracula as writer, director and producer. While there has been no big news, Zhao has been teasing the project with a new post on Instagram that depicts Nosferatu on horseback.

Chloe Zhao has recently bacome a huge name in the movie industry, with 3 Oscar wins atlast year’s ceremony. After Nomadland she took over directing Marvel’s new hit, Eternals, and now with Dracula, she is willing to do a new take on the classic gothic horror story. Buthow can you approach this often used character with a nem mindset? Well it seems by turning it into “an original, futuristic sci-fi western”.


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Universal Pictures is very welcoming with the idea, as they previously developed a number of movies based around the famous vampire. Yet, it is still unclear whether the movie will become part of their larger monsterverse or remain a standalone movie. In an interview with Variety Zhao said “I wanted to see what essence I can find in Dracula, and then be able to reimagine this really beloved character I love so much.”

Dracula has been one of the icons of the horror genre since his creation. His first unofficial movie appearance was in 1922’s Nosferatu, and then came the original Universal movie Dracula in 1931, starring the Hungarian actor Béla Lugosi. Since then, there has not been a decade pass without a new on screen adaptation of the Dracula legend: one starring the late Christopher Lee, or appearances in the likes of The Monster Squad, Van Helsing, Hotel Transylvania or Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Universal Pictures president, Peter Cramer, shared in a statement: “We are thrilled to be working with her as she reimagines one of the most iconic outsider characters ever created.”

Source: Movieweb

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