World of Warcraft Loses Another Developer: Johnny Cash Leaves Blizzard After 12 Years

Johnny Cash did not give any reasons for his departure, nor did he say what he would do in the future, but he promised to inform the community later…



In addition to others who have left the company in recent months, World of Warcraft developer and designer Johnny Cash has decided to leave Blizzard. Cash is leaving the company, leaving behind 12 years of experience within the company’s walls, having started as an intern before being officially hired in 2012 and later becoming the lead quest designer within the MMORPG.

“It was the hardest decision I’ve ever made” – Johnny Cash

Cash mentions that it was the hardest decision he ever made. “Today was my last day at Blizzard,” he wrote on social media. “I started as an intern 12 years ago and had so many wonderful experiences with SO many talented awesome humans. I’ll miss them all more than I can say.” Cash concludes his brief farewell by promising details of his “next adventure” soon.

Cash is responsible for many of the features and mechanics present in World of Warcraft. Starting with the pet combat system and then two more systems in the Legion expansion, the former developer is highly regarded by the MMORPG community, as can be seen in his farewell comment on Twitter.

In addition to the aforementioned, Cash is also responsible for various designs for several World of Warcraft expansions, including Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands. In addition, Cash has served as a spokesperson for the LGBTQ community within the game, constantly advocating for sexual inclusion and diversity.

At least for now, it’s unknown whether Cash’s departure is related to the harassment lawsuit filed by Blizzard a few months ago and still ongoing today. With more cases to come, it seems that the company’s predicament is not over.

Finally, on behalf of the community, let me add that, to quote his more famous namesake, Johnny Cash’s departure is a “Hurt”  (sorry) for all of us…

Source: Twitter

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