Blizzard’s New Survival Game Has Been In Development For Over Four Years

It looks like the new title from Blizzard has been brewing for quite some time and is even playable



Microsoft’s purchase of Activision Blizzard for a whopping $70 million caught everyone off guard. After the company acquired Bethesda, no one expected this move by the home of Xbox. And Blizzard was quick to announce that a new survival game was in the works that would “have a huge impact on the industry”, according to Geoffrey Virtue (executive producer at TFT). To tell the truth, we don’t even have a title for the work, but via PC Gamer, we have learned that the work has been in development for more than four years.

According to the LinkedIn of Craig Amai, who is currently leading this mysterious project, he started getting behind the controls of the game in July 2017. That’s four years and seven months ago. And although we have had the first official information about it very recently, about its existence and the subject matter it would cover, the truth is that it even seems that it has already been tested for quite a few hours, because Mike Ybarra himself, head of Blizzard, confirmed a few days ago that he had given it a few hours.



“I’ve played many hours of this project with the team, and I’m incredibly excited about the teams vision and the brand-new world it presents for players to immerse themselves in together. Join us to help make it a reality!” he said.

So while it may seem like the project is in a primitive state at first glance, it’s actually much more than just a set of ideas on the table, because at least it has a face and eyes. Even if it’s a very basic version of the game, that’s something without properly exploiting all of its features. Blizzard has assured us that the game is at an early stage and still has no title, as we said, and we haven’t been able to see any images of it beyond that artwork. We may still be years away from release, but at least now we have a bit more context. The game should be coming for consoles and PC (no platforms confirmed).

Source: vandal

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