Matt Smith Reveals Why He Joined the Cast Of HBO's House Of Dragons - theGeek.games

Matt Smith Reveals Why He Joined the Cast Of HBO’s House Of Dragons

MOVIE NEWS – Matt Smith plays Daemon Targaryen in the Game of Thrones prequel series, and now he’s spoken about why he joined the cast of HBO’s House of Dragons.


Through two episodes of HBO’s House of Dragons, Matt Smith has been a pro in every scene he’s been cast in. The actor plays Daemon Targaryen, the brother of the king and another character who believes he is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Known for his role in Doctor Who, Smith was initially sceptical about his role and admittedly wasn’t sure how the series would follow on from a colossal series like Game of Thrones.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Smith shares her reasons for joining House of the Dragon and her love for her co-star Paddy Considine. Considine was one of the first actors to be cast in House of the Dragon, and was one of the reasons Smith agreed to do the series. He plays King Viserys in the fantasy epic, and his character has had several run-ins with Daemon.

“I was in a parking lot, and my agent said, ‘I have this role in this new series that’s a prequel to Game of Thrones. I said, ‘Ohhh. I don’t know. It’s hard, isn’t it? It’s hard to follow. Haven’t we seen this before? But then [the offer] somehow didn’t go away. And then it came up again, and then I went to a screen test, and that was it. It came to my attention that Paddy Considine was involved in the series. He’d already been offered the role of King Viserys and I was a great admirer of Paddy and had always wanted to work with him. So that was the real attraction.”

A sequel to Game of Thrones would be no easy task, as the ratings and awards the series has achieved over its eight seasons would be difficult to replicate. So far, however, all is well for Matt Smith and the House of Dragons.

Fans have been waiting to see more of the Targaryen family for a long time, and Matt Smith was eager to bring this portrayal to life. Daemon seems to be the Targaryen-type most fans imagine when they think of the iconic house from the mind of George R.R. Martin. He is ruthless, but he also has a soft spot in his heart for Rhaenyra.

“And then there’s so much interesting stuff in Daemon. I love his relationship with his brother. He’s a brilliant character because you never know exactly what he’s thinking. I loved his ambiguity. There’s a cruelty to his personality that I found very interesting to see characters behaving so badly. But in a lot of ways he seems sincere in what he’s thinking.”

Fans can catch Matt Smith as Daemon Targaryen and the rest of the ensemble cast every Monday at 3 a.m. when House of Dragons arrives on HBO Max.

Source : Movieweb

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