Cyberpunk 2077 & The Witcher 3 Developers Made A Promise – Can They Keep It? [VIDEO]

Developers of The Witcher series and Cyberpunk 2077 have promised console gamers that they will avoid future disasters at launch…



While players of The Witcher series have enjoyed years of games that have met and exceeded expectations, the release of Cyberpunk 2077 marked a turning point for CD Projekt RED. The game’s release was a disaster regarding the gaming experience, and the console versions suffered the most severe problems.

This really took its toll on the Polish company, whose image was ruined by a game so unpolished that it was even removed from the PS Store because it offered such a poor experience on the console. That’s why the studio’s latest statements are not surprising.

They won’t just focus on testing the PC version.

As reported by PlayStation Lifestyle, studio representatives have said that the upcoming development of the franchise will be tested on all platforms from the outset, which has not been the case so far as the initial testing phase has been focused solely on the PC version. The process takes longer to complete across multiple systems.

“From the beginning, we will test the quality of the game on all platforms and not just focus on the developers’ PC version,” they say. “Of course, this makes the initial stages of the creation process a little more tedious, but it also gives us more control and confidence for the later stages.”

This is not surprising after the very open way CD Projekt has communicated over the past week.

Various upcoming developments have been announced, including several The Witcher games and a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077. However, before we know more about those productions, there’s also the Cyberpunk expansion Phantom Liberty, due out in 2023.

Source: PlayStation Lifestyle

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