Pirates of the Caribbean Producer Says Margot Robbie’s Spinoff is Not Dead Yet

CINEMA NEWS – Although Margot Robbie says it’s “watery”, Jerry Bruckheimer says it’s just on hiatus until another planned Pirates movie is done first.


According to producer Jerry Bruckheimer, Disney has not yet pulled the plug on the planned Pirates of the Caribbean movie starring Margot Robbie. Back in 2020, it was reported that there would be a sixth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, but Robbie would take the lead role. Johnny Depp later testified in his defamation lawsuit that Disney fired him from the role of Captain Jack Sparrow due to allegations of domestic violence by his ex-wife Amber Heard, suggesting that this led to Robbie being recruited for Pirates 6.

In any case, the project progressed very slowly, and in the years that have passed since then, no major fruitful developments have occurred. Last month, Robbie suggested that his version in Pirates 6 was dead. He teased that the story idea they had in mind “would have been really cool” but guessed that Disney just “didn’t want to do it.” However, Bruckheimer weighed in on the matter in a new interview with Collider and was much more positive about the film’s progress. As the producer explained, he remains confident that the spinoff script with a female lead will arrive “at some point,” but clarified that the project is on hold for now, as there is another script for a separate Pirates movie that they want to work on first. .

They think that scenario will come up at some point. We’ve developed two stories for Pirates, and the other one will come first, so we’re working on getting that done.”

Collider also reports that Ted Elliott may return to write the script that Bruckheimer is hinting at; Elliott previously worked as a writer for the first four films. Craig Mazin (Chernobyl) is also reported to be co-writing the screenplay. It’s unclear if this script introduces entirely new characters, as Robbie’s version plans, or if it’s intended to serve the idea as a continuation of the previous films featuring returning characters.

Some fans have speculated that the hiatus for Robbie’s spinoff could mean that Johnny Depp could return as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean 6. The idea is quite believable, given that Depp has been vindicated in the eyes of many after the defamation jury ruled heavily in his favor. Many fans criticized Disney for making another Pirates movie without Depp, and if the house of mice gave Captain Jack a proper farewell first, then fans might be more accepting of the planned spinoff.

The problem will be getting Depp to agree to return. The actor testified under oath that he would not be willing to work with Disney again on another Pirates of the Caribbean project, saying he felt “betrayed” by being fired. While the actor may have felt that way at the time, it’s also possible that winning the lawsuit will change his mind and eventually come back. So far, however, there is no indication that Depp has held talks with Disney or Bruckheimer about a possible return as Captain Jack.

Source: MovieWeb

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