Awards May Fall On Babylon

MOVIE NEWS – The gigantic film post Babylon has been nominated for five Golden Globes – with its duration of more than three hours, the large-scale story and the rarely seen star parade, it really deserves this name – while nine in the Critics’ Choice Award competition is marked. The latter is believed to predict the Oscar nominations, in any case industry circles believe that the film can compete for the golden statuette in at least five categories.


Those who have seen the film and know how a cinema is made say that Babylon is a miracle of its kind both in terms of concept and execution. It is no exaggeration to say this, since it is already a miracle that the production came together. At first, the major studios did not want to take on such a long, expensive, and adult film, even though the name of Oscar-winning director Damien Chazelle, who also wrote the screenplay (California Dream), sounds very good. Chazelle himself admits that if he doesn’t manage to attract two big stars, maybe the project will go down the drain. Fortunately, Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie committed themselves to Babylon, and the production could already start with two such titles.

The film takes you to the Hollywood of the twenties, when the cinema is about to switch to sound films, which seals the fate of silent film stars. Chazelle’s main focus is to show the madness of the era as no one has done before: while the Hollywood we know today is being feverishly built, everyone who is alive and moving is raging in the intoxication of cocaine, sex and music.

This creative goal was a serious challenge for Margot Robbie. She plays an actress who wants to break into the dream factory, and she has a great chance because she can be the craziest of the crazies. At first, Robbie thought that it would not be difficult for him to bring such a character, because he did not yet know what the director wanted.

“The very first day, at the first take, I gave it my all, as I usually do, and then Chazelle came up and said, ‘You were great, but you need a lot more than that,'” the actress told IndyWire. “And I: Mother, I don’t know if I still have enough cocoa in me for that.” I loved Nellie’s character, but by the end of the shoot, she completely drained everything out of me.”

It probably goes without saying that Robbie is predicted to be one of the stars who will walk away with an Oscar thanks to Babylon. He has already been nominated twice – É, Tonya, Botrány – and now he will probably get it right.

(Babylon – domestic premiere: January 19, 2023)

Source: UIP

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