Steam's Search Bar Just Became a Whole Lot Better

Steam’s Search Bar Just Became a Whole Lot Better

Valve has updated the Steam store search to make it easier to discover game categories.


The Steam store search bar is now better able to search by tags, developers, publishers, and franchises across web, app, and mobile. The change was made because Valve noticed that more and more players were looking for specific stores, labels or developers. Search now handles spelling mistakes and typos much better than before.

For example, a search for “dungeon” now offers the tags “Dungeon Crawler” and “Mystery Dungeon” in addition to games named Dungeon. So you can find the large collection of zombie games more easily if you just type “Zombie”. The same applies to publishers and franchises. If you type “Bethesda” you will get the publisher’s page, or if you type “Star Wars” you will get all Star Wars games. Or Lord of the Rings, or Warhammer, or whatever.

Finally, if you can’t or don’t want to write correctly, don’t worry. Steam search now handles typos better. You no longer have to spell intergalactic correctly to enjoy Intergalactic Fishing. But go and learn to write better than that. I tried and he didn’t know what I wanted. So learn to write better than this.

Source: PC GAMER

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