Death Stranding Movie: How Involved Is Hideo Kojima In The Development?

MOVIE NEWS – Legendary video game creator Hideo Kojima helps bring the Death Stranding film adaptation to life. Now we’ve also revealed the extent of his oversight of the project.



Death Stranding game creator Hideo Kojima is pulling out all the stops on the film adaptation to make sure it’s not just another game adaptation. As Hollywood is starting to be flooded with film adaptations of popular games, the master game creator of the legendary Metal Gear Solid series has gotten in on the action, CBR reports.

His upcoming film project is as ambitious as any of the triple-A games he’s released. Kojima’s name is synonymous with innovative storytelling and cinematic flair in the gaming world. As such, he will be deeply involved in every aspect of the making of the film. Kojima will not sit back. On the contrary, he will actively guide the production, from script supervision to design oversight.

He recently confirmed on Twitter that he will be involved in several aspects of the film. However, he stressed that he would not direct the film.

This news follows the announcement of the film in December 2022. Kojima Productions has partnered with Hammerstone Studios. However, the path the film intends to take is particularly interesting. The creator is known for his ability to push boundaries. He wants to do the same with the film adaptation. Instead of just copying the game, he wants to use the film to explore new frontiers in the Death Stranding universe.

Kojima envisions the film as an artistic endeavour on a modest budget. He has even turned down lucrative offers to preserve the creative integrity of the project. The film aims to redefine what game adaptations can be.

As the legendary creative put it:

“I’m taking the approach of changing and evolving the world of Death Stranding in a way that suits film well.”

Hideo Kojima is known for his revolutionary creativity that defies convention. Death Stranding 2 has already been announced for PlayStation 5. Meanwhile, details of the film adaptation are being kept as secret as possible for the time being. Kojima’s vision and commitment to taking this adaptation down a previously unknown path make this project one to watch closely.

Source: CBR

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