Diablo IV: Here Are 7 Tips To Help You Prepare For The Upcoming Season!

Diablo IV’s Season of the Malignant is about to begin, and we’ve rounded up some of the best ideas on how to prepare for it.



The first Diablo IV season, Season of the Malignant, kicks off on July 20. As such, that means you’ll need to create a new character just to see the new content. However, given that you’ll be retaining some aspects of the base game that you’ve played dozens or hundreds of hours of, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for a fresh playthrough. Here’s what you should do to prepare for Season of the Malignant!

The new season promises a wealth of additional content, including new Legends and Unicorns, as well as a battle pass with more cosmetics.

You’ll also get to experience a new mission series. You can also fight Malignant monsters to get Malignant Hearts. Still, you’ll have to make a new character, though some aspects will be carried over.


Finish the campaign with your main character so you can skip the alt


The information was previously confirmed by Diablo IV co-game director Joseph Piepiora. Basically, finishing the campaign allows you to skip it on new characters (or “alts”). This includes those you create in Season of the Malignant.

This is a huge help, as the seasonal quest sequence takes place after you beat the story. Also, while you can no longer complete main quests, your leveling grind will focus primarily on dungeons and events.


Log in with your main character starting July 18!


Diablo IV will receive a patch on July 18, two days before the season starts. From then on, you’ll want to log in at least once with your main character (the one that has progressed the most). This is because part of your progress will be account-based. As such, it will be moved to the beginning of the Season of the Malignant. These are discussed in more detail below.


Exploring the full map


As confirmed by Rob Fergusson, the sections of the world map that you have explored will carry over when you create the Seasonal character. This means that you’ll want to explore Sanctuary early if you want to get ready for Diablo IV Season 1.

This includes exploring all the zones and subzones and the various routes/quick travel points. Likewise, a few things to note: some waypoints only appear once you’ve conquered the strongholds.

When you see the world map at the start of the new season, you will still need to reactivate most waypoints by visiting these areas.

Another part to do before Diablo IV Season of the Malignant is the renown grind. This is because some of the rewards are transferable if you make a new character. The most important ones are ten extra skill points and extra potion charges. Note the different ways to increase renown, such as fortifications, dungeons and side quests.



A Blizzard régóta futó akció-RPG franchise-ának következő darabjára türelmesen váró rajongók végre fellélegezhetnek: megvan a Diablo IV megjelenési dátuma!



Explore all the Lilith altars!


Lilith’s altars provide permanent reinforcements, which also apply to the altars. Even the ones you make every time a new season starts. With this in mind, you can start the season with boosts that increase your stats.


Take note of dungeons with side quests!


General Manager Rob Fergusson, among others, mentioned that players will have to redo their dungeons next season. With this information in mind, it’s worth giving preference to dungeons that have side quests. This is mainly to save time. Because clearing a dungeon and a related side quest will yield XP, renown and aspect rewards.


Choose your favourite Diablo IV class!


Thinking about the first character you will play is perhaps the most critical factor in preparing for Season of the Malignant. Again, you’ll start from level 1, which will lead to another grind. This means XP farming, gear gathering, gaining aspects and fine-tuning your build. Along the way, you’ll also get to experience new mechanics (such as Malignant Monsters and Malignant Hearts).

You can choose the class you can best use or one that can complement a friend if you prefer cooperative runs.

Of course, these few tips won’t change the world – you should be prepared for a long and brutal grind. But we sincerely hope that the new season will be worth the time and effort invested.

Source: Blizzard, Twitter

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