Diablo IV: Stunning Live-Action Launch Trailer Was Filmed In Hungary! [VIDEO]

A familiar sight of a reservoir, salt mine and castle greets those who take a closer look at the Diablo IV live-action trailer…



Diablo IV has come, seen and won over many. Fans of the series and the studio have not been bored. After all, they’ve had a blast with Diablo III and Immortal, as well as practically every Blizzard game in recent years, be it Overwatch or World of Warcraft. But with D4, the developers have shown that they can still shine in their old glory. The game is loved by critics and audiences alike for its beautiful visuals. It is also loved by critics, fans and critics alike for its excellent voice acting, its vast and prosperous world, and its great endgame content. So the new Diablo is alive and well and will probably be with us for a long time to come, as Season 1 is only a matter of days away.

But now the Creative team has brought something exciting to our attention about the game, including its live-action trailer.

Remember the Diablo IV trailer? This fantastic video was released by Blizzard back in late May. If you weren’t convinced by any of the trailers until then, this one will be! While we know exactly how amazing Blizzard can make CGI trailer videos, live-action videos, or more specifically, quality trailer videos, consistently outperform CGI.

Did you notice anything familiar about it? No? No problem, it’s not likely that everyone will jump up from their seat and shout, “Hey, I know this place!”

However, there are some Hungarian locations in the video. Some scenes were filmed in the salt mine of Fót, others in the reservoir of Gellért Hill. At 0:14 in the video, for example, Rogue is fighting in the reservoir, while at 0:32, Necromancer is fighting in the salt mine, at least according to the photos taken during the shoot. You can also see a replica of the castle of Eger, which is located in Pilisborosjenő.

The trailer was directed by Oscar-winner Chloé Zhao (Nomadland) and cinematography by Roman Vasyanov (Suicide Squad). Filming lasted five days on ten different locations, and the domestic production company was Moviebar Productions. You can find the stills from the shoot at the link below.

Source: Kreatív

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