Emma Stone is Not Ashamed of Her Hot Body in the Poor Souls Movie

MOVIE NEW – The film’s director, Yorgos Lanthimos, explained how important it was for the lead actress, Emma Stone, to be bold and brave in the sexually challenging scenes. The film is a surreal and humorous story of a resurrected woman who discovers herself and the world.


The Poor Souls movie is an adaptation based on a novel by Alasdair Gray, directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. The film’s protagonist is Emma Stone, who plays Bella Baxter, a young Victorian woman who is revived by a mad scientist (Willem Dafoe) after her suicide. Bella is initially naive and curious about the world around her, but soon runs away with a rogue lawyer (Mark Ruffalo) and embarks on a freedom-seeking adventure.

The film not only stands out for its humor and surrealism, but also for how boldly it portrays Bella’s sexual awakening and liberation. The film contains several explicit scenes in which Stone is seen naked or in lingerie. Lanthimos said that these scenes were very important for the character’s development and the message that the film conveys.

“This is a very special story about a woman who is reborn and has to relearn everything. This includes how she relates to her body and how she explores her sexuality,” Lanthimos said. “That’s why we had to be sure that Emma was not ashamed of her body and was willing to show it. Fortunately, she was very brave and open to this.”

Stone also admitted that these scenes were challenging for her, but she felt that they contributed to her better understanding of Bella. “This was a character who had nothing to do with what I had played before,” Stone said. “It was very exciting to dive into this journey, in which Bella discovers herself and the world. The sexual scenes were part of this journey.”

The Poor Souls movie is expected to premiere in December 2023 in the United States and in January 202 in the United Kingdom. The film has already been a great success at the Venice Film Festival, where it received huge applause. Critics praised Stone’s performance2, as well as Lanthimos’ style and humor.

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