Cyberpunk 2077: Major Update For The Sequel; Big Change At CDPR?!

According to CD Projekt Red, the developer of Cyberpunk 2077, no decision has yet been made on whether an important feature will be added to the game in the sequel.



CD Projekt Red may include an essential feature in a possible sequel to Cyberpunk 2077. A third-person option that was missing from the original game. The decision to make the game first-person was primarily created to give the title its own identity. Distinguishing it from CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher franchise. However, this does not mean that the second instalment can only be played in first person. A third-person camera is not ruled out.

It might surprise some Cyberpunk 2077 fans, but the now first-person RPG was originally going to be made with a third-person camera. The sci-fi game’s development was tumultuous and constantly changing until its release. In 2016, the decision was made to move the game from third person to first person. As a result, features such as wall running and flying cars were dropped.

As part of a CD Projekt Red’s investor day presentation, Cyberpunk 2077 quest director Paweł Sasko was asked if he would consider bringing back third-person in a possible sequel to the game.

Sasko did not answer the question directly. He refused to confirm or deny the possibility. However, he left the door open, saying that CD Projekt Red “has yet to see” whether or not Cyberpunk 2077’s sequel will be first-person.

In addition to the question of whether the sequel will support third-person gameplay, Sasko was also asked if the studio regretted making the original game first-person. Sasko then discussed the reasoning behind the decision and how first-person is central to Cyberpunk 2077’s identity. He also said that first-person play allowed it to stand apart from The Witcher as “this other thing”. Further, that it has helped with reach, as “YouTube, Twitch and screenshots sell games”.

Of course, there are no plans to release a sequel to the game shortly. CD Projekt Red is currently focusing on a new game set in The Witcher universe. But even that won’t arrive until at least 2025. However, a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 is planned and will be developed at CD Projekt’s future North American site.


Could one of CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 developers leave?!


Adam Kicinski, a veteran CD Projekt Red executive, is resigning from his current position. He will step into a new role next year. Kicinski has been with CDPR since its inception, joining founders Marcin Iwiński and Michał Kicinski (Adam’s brother) in 1994, when the Polish studio was known simply as CD Projekt. They mainly localised games, such as the first two Baldur’s Gate games, before re-forming as CD Projekt Red in 2002. A few years later, they went their own way with the first Witcher game.

Adam Kicinski is stepping down from his long-standing position and will take up a position as a supervisor at CD Projekt Red next year.

The announcement was made on 5 October, when Kicinski revealed that he will move into the role of Chief Strategy Officer as part of a major reshuffle within CD Projekt Red’s senior management structure from January 2024.

Current creative director Adam Badowski and commercial director Michał Nowakowski will take over as joint CEOs of CDPR from 1 January.

Adam Kicinski will oversee CD Projekt Red’s activities in his new position. He will also make recommendations and decisions within the larger CD Projekt Capital Group. Coincidentally, CD Projekt co-founder and former joint CEO Marcin Iwiński joined the same supervisory board last October. Just as CD Projekt Red was opening a new studio in Boston to help work on its ambitious slate of upcoming Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 games.

Source: X, IGN

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