CliffyB Tells Us What Game Could Inspire The Gears Of War Reboot!

Cliff “CliffyB” Bleszinski believes the world of Gears of War needs a specific audience impact if it wants to return to the gaming industry.



Cliff “CliffyB” Bleszinski thinks the Gears of War franchise could return if it gets a reboot. The latter follows the same pattern as the God of War series. Bleszinski talked about the likelihood of a reboot, as well as several other topics, mainly covering the history of the developer’s projects, his current achievements, and his work on the Scrapper comic.

Known for his work in the Unreal and Gear of War franchises, Cliff Bleszinski has built a portfolio with Epic Games. He later founded his own company, Boss Key Productions (in 2014). After leaving Epic Games in 2012, he continued the Gears of War series with The Coalition. Since then, the series has taken a different direction.

With a new comic in the works and other goals, CliffyB seems to have stepped out of the video game spotlight in favour of other creative ventures.

However, after speaking with, Bleszinski spoke briefly about possibly returning to the Gears of War franchise. When asked if he could imagine returning to the Gears of War world through a comic book format, Bleszinski replied that “it would take a bit of a reboot, like God of War.” That’s pretty much what God of War got in 2018 from Santa Monica Studios and Sony. “Phil Spencer has my number, I’d be happy to consult with him,” he added. His answer then dived into analyzing YouTube comments in which players reacted to Dom’s death in Gears of War 3.

Based on Bleszinski’s response to, it seems that he would only want to act as a consultant if he were to return to the Gears of War franchise. It looks like he’s done with video game development. As he says elsewhere in the interview, he is working on ideas for adapting his Scrapper comic into an animated series. CliffyB was asked if the idea started with a video game format. Although this was the initial approach, Bleszinski said, “…if it becomes a video game, I’ll probably supervise a lot, but I don’t want to be in the trenches every day, I’ve slept enough under my desk.” He goes on to mention that the idea would be a “fantastic game, probably cel-shaded in style.”

The Gears of War franchise has been relatively quiet, with the most recent instalment being Gears Tactics in 2020. Technically a spin-off of the series, the last principal instalment players got to experience was Gears 5 in 2019.

It’s been a while since Gears fans got a new installment, and it could be a while before any announcements come.

For now, we’ve only heard rumours about the next title in the Gears franchise. Ideas surround an open world waiting to be explored. Even if Bleszinski’s comments don’t shed any light on the future of the Gears series, fans can look forward to a possible film adaptation by Zach Synder. In this, if everything is accurate, Dave Bautista will also play a role.


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