You Won’t Believe What Microsoft is Trying to Lure You Onto Windows 11! [VIDEO]

TECH NEWS – The Redmond tech giant has run out of creativity, because we can only laugh at this!


There may be no Windows 12 this year. There’s a good chance that there will be a more substantial update to Windows 11 instead, which Microsoft might release as 24H2 later this year. However, Redmond may have a bit of a problem: people don’t really want to upgrade from Windows 10. In response, the company is starting to hype something about its operating system. That’s fine. If it were better performance, maybe features that use artificial intelligence, we’d say that would be acceptable.

No, in the latest YouTube ad, Microsoft talks about how easy it is to switch, and then comes the star: the Start menu, which, according to Microsoft, is a “game changer”! It’s subjective which Start menu is better for whom. Some people prefer Windows 10, and some people really prefer Windows 11. Of course, Microsoft’s advertising is certainly aimed at non-expert users, but perhaps it’s not for nothing that many people stay with Windows 10: if something works, why take the risk?

According to Statcounter, Windows 10 is used by more than two-thirds of users, compared to just 27% for Windows 11. Last year, the ratio was 73-19, so the latest OS hasn’t really gained much share in a year. However, the integration of Android apps in Windows 11, the ability to play in a window, the screenshot tool, or support for DirectStorage could be interesting.

However, Windows 11 officially requires TPM 2.0 support and a relatively new processor (at least 8th generation Intel Core CPU), which may exclude the majority of users. For example, if you have a Core i7-7700 configuration that’s still working fine today, it’s unlikely that you’d throw away your old machine for this Start menu. So Microsoft might be better off focusing on gaming performance. Or better native applications. Etc.

Source: PCGamer, Statcounter

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