Insomniac Games Commented On The News Of The Layoffs!

The developer and PlayStation subsidiary Insomniac Games released a statement after the studio’s layoffs expressing sadness for those involved.



Insomniac Games, developer of Marvel’s Spider-Man series, has released a statement regarding recent layoffs at the studio. It’s no secret that the gaming industry is going through tough times right now. Downsizing has taken place at many smaller and larger companies as well. Thousands of talented people have lost their jobs this year. In January, for example, Riot Games announced layoffs, which continued last year’s worrying trend.

Some fans might have thought, or at least hoped, that a studio like Insomniac Games would be spared from what’s happening in the industry right now.

The developer recently had a massive hit with Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. It achieved rave reviews and outstanding sales. Unfortunately, even this success was not enough to prevent layoffs at the company.

In a tweet from Insomniac’s official account, the developers responded to the news of the layoffs. They expressed their deep sadness and offered their support to the affected employees. In the message, they reiterated that Insomniac, as a subsidiary of the larger company, is also affected by PlayStation laying off about 900 people. The announcement also emphasized that the studio is committed to supporting those who have lost their jobs.


Insomniac Games encourages other developers to hire


In its message, Insomniac also expressed its faith and trust in former employees. He encouraged any developers currently hiring to consider former Insomniac staff. The message ended by thanking those who contributed to the studio and promising not to forget them. Judging by the responses to the tweet, many fans were heartbroken by the news and touched by Insomniac’s reaction. Others, it seems, were shocked that layoffs could hit such a successful developer.

Although stories like this have become commonplace since last year, it is still sad that more and more people are losing their jobs.

Of course, there is still hope for them. For example, the developer of Baldur’s Gate 3 encouraged workers affected by the layoffs to come forward. This shows that some studios are still going strong and creating jobs. Furthermore, Insomniac has stated that it will help its former employees in any way possible. Still, these positive signs may not be much comfort to the currently unemployed.

For those worried about what this news might mean for the industry, unfortunately, there isn’t much reason for optimism right now. According to a recent report, Blizzard may soon be forced to make more layoffs. This indicates that things may get worse before things improve in the industry. For now, fans and industry watchers can only offer support and encouragement to the affected employees and hope for better times.

Source: X

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