Gillian Anderson Honestly Answers One Of The Top Questions X-Files Fans Have! [VIDEO]

MOVIE NEWS – Gillian Anderson answered the most searched questions about her on the internet, giving a humorously honest answer to those who speculated about a potential romance with her colleague from the X-Files series.



“Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny” is one of the most searched posts on the internet, thanks to their years of working together on The X-Files. In a recent video for Wired, Anderson playfully used the search term to troll fans who kept asking if they were “intimate.”

When The X Files originally aired in 1993, it was an instant hit for several reasons. In addition to the ongoing storyline and setting up the monster of the week, another aspect of the series that drew people in was the “will-they-get-together-or-not” relationship between FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, played by Duchovny and Anderson.

Although their characters ended up romantically involved, some fans wished the same had happened in real life.

In the video below, Anderson responded to the popular search for “Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny” with an ironic response. He put it like this:

“I don’t know, who’s David Duchovny? Oh, yeah, no, I’m joking. Of course I know who David is. David Duchovny played Fox Mulder. I played Dana Scully, a series called The X Files… for about 6000 years. One of the coolest guys on television for a long time. People have always been interested in David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson getting together personally, as they were interested in Mulder and Scully getting it together intimately to happen.”


The relationship between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson was tense… but by no means romantic


Anderson’s response in the video is very tongue-in-cheek. However, her eventual conclusion that there will never be any real romantic relationship between her and Duchovny will come as no surprise to those who have followed their previously strained working relationship over the years.

Anyone who watched The X-Files could easily believe that the couple had a close relationship, one that could have been more. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

The main characters ended up almost hating each other, so much so that they didn’t speak to each other for long periods unless the script called for it.

During the original series, the pair often referred to their relationship as a marriage. But it was more about their bickering than love. However strained their off-screen relationship was, it never affected their work on the show. The latter was unfailingly popular during the original nine seasons and two feature films. A few years later, the series unexpectedly returned with a new series in 2016 and again in 2018. By this time, all bad feelings between Anderson and Duchovny had disappeared and apparently, they have remained friends ever since. But as Anderson said, fans can’t expect much more than that.

Source: YouTube

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