We Might Not See Johnny Depp As Jack Sparrow Anymore?! The Legendary Actor Speaks

MOVIE NEWS – In a recent interview, Johnny Depp may have hinted, among other things, that he is not interested in returning to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, when he spoke out against big-budget movies…



Johnny Depp may have ruled out ever returning to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise – even if an offer is on the table in the future – after slamming Hollywood’s obsession with big-budget “dreck” films that audiences simply don’t he doesn’t want to see. Depp’s comments came as he promoted his latest film, Jeanne du Barry. A film that, of course, does not involve a multi-million dollar budget like some of his previous films. Perhaps more importantly, this is his first film appearance since his public court battles with Amber Heard.

Johnny Depp was once the king of Hollywood, but his popularity plummeted when Heard, his former partner, found himself facing multiple abuse allegations.

As a result of the revelations, the actor quit his role as Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise and became unemployed at several major studios. After his high-profile court appearances ended, Depp seemingly gave up on any attempt to return to the big screen in blockbusters. Overall, he chose smaller and more intimate projects.



MOZI HÍREK - A Walt Disney World-féle A Karib-tenger kalózai ünnepség promója nem aratott túl nagy sikert, amikor felkerült a netre, hála Johnny Depp csalódott rajongóinak... Jack Sparrow



In a new interview with Metro, Depp reflected on his career. There are still those who want to see him jump back into the role of Jack Sparrow in another Pirates of the Caribbean movie. But Depp’s take on the world of blockbuster movies doesn’t suggest he’s eager to rush back into that arena. On what people expect from a movie these days, he said:

“They don’t want to be fed dreck. They’re happy when they experience something new or different. So that’s why I’ve always felt, as an actor, it’s your responsibility. When you come out of the gate each time… you’re putting as much at stake as anybody.”

He went on to chastise studio bosses who are all too willing to throw money at a movie and hope it pays off.

“They’re disposable and they realize it. Glorified accountants who have the ability to press the green light and make studio films… but they press the green light, they spent sh*tloads of money. Budgets are ridiculous on these films… some romantic comedy with two very popular people. People – the real people – they’re sick of it.”


Johnny Depp happily admits he’s ‘not normal’


In a recent interview, Maïwenn, the actress and director of Depp’s Jeanne du Barry, talked about working with the actor on the film, noting that he is “not a normal person.” For his part, Depp seems to agree – he doesn’t think it’s normal.



MOZI HÍREK - Johnny Depp a könnyeivel küzdött, amikor visszatérő filmjét, a Jeanne du Barry-t hétperces álló ovációval fogadták a Cannes-i Filmfesztiválon.



While admitting that his entire career since the age of 23 has played out against the backdrop of his fame, Depp shared an honest opinion about his own life and career.

“I’ve been very lucky and I can’t complain about anything. None of it. I won’t. The thing hits you and then you can’t go anywhere without people looking at you. And that’s a very interesting way to grow up. But after 38 years of something like that…”

“The first thing that’s really mad is to expect anyone who’s lived in that kind of situation to be anything remotely close to normal. Now, to make matters worse, I wasn’t normal before that. So I’ve had to adapt my world into the way that I have to live. How do I live? I live behind windows. I live behind car windows, train windows, plane windows, hotel room windows… f***ing windows!”


Depp responded to allegations of bad behaviour on the set of the 23-year-old’s film


Blow actress Lola Glaudini said in a recent podcast that Depp called her a “f*cking idiot” after she laughed during Depp’s monologue on the first day of filming.

The actor’s representatives denied the allegation, saying:

“Johnny always prioritizes good working relationships with cast and crew and this recounting differs greatly from the recollection of other members on set at the time.”

Samuel Sarkar, the film’s sound technician, also confirmed that he does not remember any such incident on the set. Glaudini has not yet responded to the developments. Previously, she stated that Depp apologized to her for his behaviour on the day of the incident.

Source: Metro.co.uk, Variety

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