Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: A Cut Scene with an Important Event? [VIDEO]

Released in 2011 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 would have had a cutscene to provide a more accurate, definitive conclusion to the events of the game.


Like all games, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 had a credits sequence. The trend at the time was to hide a scene in a movie after the credits, and since Call of Duty at the time had very cinematic scenes, it was understandable that Infinity Ward (and Sledgehammer Games) would follow suit. Except that Activision Blizzard ended up cutting this scene (which is not that long: it’s a minute long…) out of the game.

According to the cutscene, Captain Price dies if you watch the embedded video. And neither Infinity Ward nor Sledgehammer Games have spoken openly about what happened to the character at the end of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 since then. In the ending that finally made it to players, we only got to see him smoke a cigarette and then go to the credits, but that scene suggests that he suffered much more serious injuries, which would have been a pretty dark end to the Modern Warfare storyline. (The three Modern Warfare movies released since then have been remakes and, based on the rumors, don’t seem to have continued under Microsoft).

In the description of the video uploaded to YouTube, we read that there is a mysterious character, described as a “shadow man” or “ominous stranger”, which makes the originally planned ending even more mysterious. (Because they wouldn’t have put him in the game afterwards, because that would have looked really stupid, right?) What is certain is that this upload has started quite a discussion, with some saying that Captain Price doesn’t die, he just falls asleep, and others mentioning that this unknown character was watching Price for quite a long time…

In any case, the footage is quite interesting, we wouldn’t deny that.

Source: Reddit

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