Two classic PS1 Games Get Remastered – Here Are The Trailers And Everything We Know! [VIDEO]

In addition, we are talking about two PS1 classics, the remaster of which many have been waiting for a long time…



PlayStation is currently taking great care in reviving the classics. It looks like two more retro PS1 titles will be coming to us as part of this!

Now that the PlayStation 2 is officially back from the dead, at least when it comes to games that can be played on modern consoles, we’re experiencing a video game renaissance.

The process is slow, but we feel it’s worth the wait when classics like these PlayStation 1 titles are still being remastered.

As announced by Limited Run Games, Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return and Fear Effect will also be remastered.

Both PS1 experiences are one-of-a-kind. It’s true that Fear Effect made waves when it was initially released because of its graphics.

“A lost classic finally returns,” announces the Limited Run Games trailer. (See at the end of the article!)

“Fear Effect challenged assumptions on game aesthetics and art style when it debuted on PlayStation, and decades later its extraordinary blend of cell-shading and motion video still dazzles the eye… and the mind.”

As for Tomba 2, well, it also made its mark.

“Tomba! 2 refined that brilliant design, adding even more freedom of movement, incorporating more inspiring new quests, and throwing in a flying squirrel suit for good measure.”

They’ve been waiting a long time, but fans are eager to get these retro beauties back. The comment sections were immediately filled with enthusiastic comments.

As one YouTube user put it in the comments: “Yes!! Thank you for this! One of my favorite games on PS1. Will support this and hopefully Retro Helix also gets green lit!”

A Tomb! fan also exploded joyfully after seeing the remaster reveal: “Yes, yes, GOD YES! TAKE MY MONEY, LIMITED RUN AND WHOOPEE CAMP!” This enthusiasm is so touching that I can’t even find the words to comment… 🙂

The exact release date of the two projects has not yet been confirmed. However, Limited Run Games has already revealed that the titles will arrive “on consoles near you” in 2025.

Source: YouTube

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