A Surprising Twist in Transformers One

MOVIE NEWS – Breaking with a long-standing tradition, Transformers One is a family film made entirely with computer animation and tells the origin story of shape-shifting robots.


The style of the Transformers franchise has so far been determined by the approach of director-producer Michael Bay, in the spirit of this, all opuses have been rated PG-13 in America, i.e. for young children their visit was advised to be accompanied by a parent due to “sci-fi violence and sexual references”. How would it have been different if once the soldiers were mercilessly shredded by the ferocious robots, and Megan Fox leaned forward in tight jeans under the hood, with all the necessary consequences?

Transformers One, however, will now be released in theaters with a lower age category than the Bay films – PG, i.e. plain parental control – which means that, according to the judgment of the strict American film classification committee, neither violence, nor sexuality, nor foul language cross certain tolerable limits, so it is believed that even the little ones can safely put their messy heads to sleep after watching it.

ScreenRant took a look at the relevant news from FilmRatings.com, and they immediately combined that Transformers One with its serene restraint is aimed at a much wider audience, like the previous works of the franchise. From there, it was not difficult to come to the conclusion that the new robot animation is a reboot that educates the youngest viewers to like the next installments of the renewed franchise.

(Transformers One – domestic release: October 10, 2024.)

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