Ecumene Aztec: Developers of the “Aztec Assassin’s Creed” Finally Speak Out After a Year of Silence!

Although it hasn’t shown any signs of life for quite some time, it has been revealed that Ecumene Games’ game “Ecumene Aztec” is still in development.



The video game Ecumene Aztec exploded into the public consciousness about a year ago when details of the game dealing with the Spanish conquest of the Americas were announced. The title, which many referred to as the “Aztec Assassin’s Creed”, has sparked huge debates on social media. Ecumene Games (formerly Giantscraft) aimed to present the historical conflict from the perspective of a Mesoamerican, where the player could choose from three types of warriors: the “Jaguar Warrior”, the “Eagle Warrior”, and the “Snake Warrior”.

After the announcement, the game started a massive digital war on social media. Many criticized its basic idea, while others welcomed the new approach. It’s gotten so bad that some users have bought Giantscraft’s official domain to post far-right content on it…

The community also accused the game of several historical inaccuracies, such as the main character being a Mayan – with European features – and not an Aztec…

As a result of the criticism, Ecumene Games announced that the game would offer two endings: one where the player can fight on the side of the natives against the conquerors and the other where they can make an alliance with the Spanish. The developers then went silent for a long time, and many people forgot about the game’s existence.



Ecumene Aztec



Ecumene Aztec rose from its ashes


The video game Ecumene Aztec has been almost completely forgotten over the past year. Although the developers initially planned for the release in 2025, they did not share any new information on social media for a year. Ecumene Aztec and Ecumene Games profiles and websites were empty, and the official X account didn’t post for months.

In the video game industry, such long silences usually indicate problems. Many began to suspect that the game had been secretly cancelled. The former partners of Ecumene Games also knew nothing about the project. However, recently, Ecumene Games reactivated itself. They recently announced that they will be attending Gamescom 2024.

This participation indicates that Ecumene Aztec is still under development. Although no new gameplay or trailer was shown at Gamescom, the project is still alive. They also announced three significant changes on their new Discord server: improving historical accuracy, optimizing the game world’s size, and allowing players to play as conquerors.

Therefore, Ecumene Aztec is not dead; development continues quietly, and the team works to create an exciting and historically authentic action game. The release date is still uncertain, but the developers are committed to the project.

Source: Niche Gamer, The Telegraph

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