Two Indiana Jones TV Series Cancelled – Here’s Everything We’ll Never See Anymore!

MOVIE NEWS – Lucasfilm cancelled these Indiana Jones projects in various stages of development, one back in the 80s and the other as recently as 2023…



It is perhaps not an exaggeration to say that the adventures of Indiana Jones are one of the most important action-adventure sagas of recent decades. Since the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark, a franchise has been built that remains popular to this day.

Unsurprisingly, they tried to repeat this success on the TV screen. After the first film’s release in 1981, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg wanted to continue the story of the famous archaeologist, with new, convincing adventures in each episode.

However, the studio decided to stop the project due to high costs. The series would have been filmed in exotic locations, with special effects and big action scenes. Series of this kind were much more expensive at that time than they are today.

Besides, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas were quite busy at the time.

Especially with the expansion of the Star Wars universe – remember that Return of the Jedi wasn’t released until 1983! However, the creators’ enthusiasm resulted in a series in the early nineties, the title of which was The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones. However, this did not bring the expected success, although fans of the character still remember him fondly. (Especially for the stumblings of 93-year-old Indie in today’s New York…)

Later, in 2022, to be exact, it was announced that a second Indiana Jones series would be made. It is scheduled to premiere on Disney+. However, a year later, the studio decided to drop this project as well.

The story revolves around Abner Ravenwood, Indie’s mentor, rather than Marion Ravenwood, played by Karen Allen in Raiders of the Lost Ark. However, it did not fit into the future of Disney+.

The Indiana Jones movies shown in the cinema can be viewed on Disney+.

Source: ScreenRant, ScreenCrush

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