Dying Light 2: Stay Human Now Compatible with PlayStation 5 Pro! - theGeek.games

Dying Light 2: Stay Human Now Compatible with PlayStation 5 Pro!

Even though Dying Light 2 was released more than two and a half years ago, Polish developers are still supporting Sony’s half-generation console update.


With better visuals on the PlayStation 5 Pro, which now supports ray tracing, or at least higher graphics settings in all four graphical modes, Dying Light 2: Stay Human offers a lot of options and is relatively capable of satisfying the visual needs of gamers. Let’s take a look at what the four graphical modes of zombie killing have to offer.

The Balanced graphics mode offers upscaled 4K at 60 FPS. It increases the base resolution (1512p) and improves the quality of global illumination, screen space reflections, and sub-surface scattering. The Resolution graphics mode runs natively at 4K, but at thirty frames per second. It offers better Contact Shadows, Global Illumination, Screen Space Reflections and Sub Surface Scattering quality.

The performance graphics mode runs it at upscaled 4K with VRR and up to 120 FPS. It offers a higher base resolution (1440p), better contact shadows, global illumination, screen space reflections, spot shadows, sub surface scattering quality and fog quality. The Quality graphics mode runs the game in upscaled 4K at 30 FPS with ray tracing. The base resolution is increased (1440p) and there are better contact shadows, global illumination and sub surface scattering quality.

If you’ve just bought a PlayStation 5 Pro (you can do that, as the console launched on November 7th), there’s certainly a PlayStation Plus subscription to go with it. If you’re a PlayStation Plus Extra or PlayStation Plus Premium member, you’ll want to head over to PlayStation Network on November 19th, as Dying Light 2: Stay Human will be included in the November line-up so you can test out the visuals on the more powerful console.

Techland has released more than 20 major patches for the game since launch, but there won’t be any more story DLC because of Dying Light: The Beast.

Source: WCCFTech

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