Batman – The Telltale Series: Episode 3 – New World Order – Everything is different

REVIEW – I finished the new Batman episode just ten minutes ago, and I finally felt that spark that made Telltale’s games oh-so-good. I missed that in their recent games. Drama, pain, a lot of twists in 94 minutes than what Tales from the Borderlands or The Walking Dead: Michonne had.


Now is the time when I’m screwed: writing about the game, not detailing the plot! Also, choose non-spoiler images. Let me give a quick plot synopsis then: we lose this, we lose that, someone else also loses something, twist, twist, what, are you serious? Credits roll. *knuckles in air* I did it!


So the second chapter ended roughly a month ago (wow, did Telltale find the gas pedal?) with the Children of Arkham taking the control. They won’t stop with owning the city; they will need other things, too. Bruce Wayne’s name has been tarnished multiple times in the first two episodes, but that will increase tenfold in New World Order. What this episode presents can be defined by a single word when it comes to Bruce Wayne: freefall.

Still, Batman begins a little investigation, and the drug that we have seen in action multiple times before will be involved even more. Also, with a decision, the GCPD ends up getting powerless due to… let’s say, safety reasons. Does this recap sound complex? Trust me; it is – I think I can say that without shame that almost everyone ends up hurt in one way or another in this 1.5 hours.


An old friend takes over control, making us forced to leave, oh, want to leave a spy? We learn about the plan’s next step, but the victory is far away, and after a character developing night, another friend shows up, acting weird for the second time in the episode. (Personal note: I believe this someone is being drugged with something else… is it schizophrenia, or something I believe it will turn out to be in episode 4? Hm…)

One of the two persons knows more about the death of Bruce’s parents. Add the upcoming technological issues and the negative events in the future, and I can say that damn, early December is a long way down the road! (I think Telltale will launch Episode 4 on December 6).

Without spoilers, I think I can talk about the police chief. I believe he’s the most „clear” character in the cast – Gordon doesn’t feel involved, and currently, the relationship with him feels to be the most important one of all. As a policeman, he can clear us up in a few situations, offering a helping hand in the next two episodes. I think he’ll be needed…


I don’t know, but for some reason, the frame rate felt to be dropping during one scene in the game – aside from this issue, the game felt to run just fine. There aren’t typoes in the subtitle (I was checking on purpose!), and only one Alfred line was shorter, but that’s all. The graphics are on the same level as the previous two episodes, and the voice acting is still top notch, so I’m not going to go into detail with these aspects.

However, the gameplay felt a bit short. I completed the detective scene in just four minutes with just one link mixed up initially. That’s not a lot. However, I could point out three important decisions, but I’m not going to do that here.

Recommended by this point

As Telltale made the first episode free on all platforms (they pull this move off with all of their games!), if you’re not sure, go and download the first chapter. If you end up liking the ambiance, then there’s NOTHING that should hold you back from getting the full game.

Aside from this public service announcement, I have to say that the tendency is continuing. I can’t wait for the fourth episode – the teaser showed one particular scene that has that chaos, that hopelessness that made Telltale popular with The Walking Dead. (And that game will continue in just weeks. Oh yes.)

So I give this episode a solid 8.2. By the end of the game, Batman might reach 9/10 levels.



+ The story DID kick in
+ The voice acting is flawless
+ 1.5 hours in just a month – Telltale, why didn’t you do this with Michonne?


– The frame rate might be low during one scene
– The investigation was too easy
– Not a lot of interaction here

Publisher: Telltale Games

Developer: Telltale Games

Genre: Indie rogue FPS with RPG elements

Release date: October 21, 2016 (PC)

Batman - The Telltale Series: Ep. 3 - New World Order

Gameplay - 7.8
Graphics - 7
Story - 9.1
Music/Audio - 8.1
Ambiance - 9.1



„There's no easy way out.”

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Grabbing controllers since the middle of the nineties. Mostly he has no idea what he does - and he loves Diablo III. (Not.)

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