Latest Sony Patent Could Bring Big Change To Multiplayer Gaming

TECH NEWS – Sony has filed a patent for a new multiplayer matchmaking system that uses game session length to match players with similar playing time.



Sony has filed a patent for a matchmaking system that matches players based on session playtime. The system aims to match players with similar session lengths and considers other game session parameters.

Skill-based matchmaking is commonly used in competitive games such as Modern Warfare 3. In this mode, players with similar experience, wins, or kill/death rates are pitted against each other, and players’ locations are also taken into account.

But, just like in unranked Call of Duty lobbies, skill-based matchmaking isn’t as crucial in co-op games either. In these, players are looking for teammates who will last on the field.

To better serve co-op players, Sony is currently working on a matchmaking system that takes into account the length of gameplay when matching players. A patent filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) details a system that compares typical session lengths. It considers factors such as the frequency and length of breaks taken by players. The system then makes recommendations for matchmaking based on these factors. The announcement does not mention specific games. But the system could be used in casual and campaign-based titles like Bungie’s Destiny 2. It is unclear how much the company is involved in the development of the system. Or has work started on it at all…






This isn’t Sony’s first attempt to overhaul or improve the matchmaking process. Last year it was reported that they were working on a Cross Skill Competition ranking system. This groups players into “houses” with other players of similar ability. Several houses would be grouped together to form a “neighbourhood”, and several “neighbourhoods” would constitute a “village”.

The Cross Skill Competition would not only match players of similar skill levels; players would also be invited to join respective houses and hold tournaments for players of different skill levels.

In 2021, the company filed a patent for an artificial intelligence-driven matchmaking system. This has been under development since 2019. He filed another patent for a system that matches new players with more experienced ones. Practically offering a buddy system to struggling players.

Players drop out of online games for many reasons. Some people just want a short, casual game. Others seek help for a specific part or area but prefer to solo most of the game. A game-time matchmaking system would match casual players with each other while allowing players to seek out reliable help for more complex heists in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online, for example.


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