Alien: Isolation trailer Archives - theGeek.games

Tag: Alien: Isolation trailer

Alien: Isolation - After 2013's terrible Aliens: Colonial Marines, 2014's Alien: Isolation was outstanding - no wonder it's going to be one of the many games that receive a Nintendo Switch port.

Alien: Isolation’s Nintendo Switch…

DigitalFoundry‘s analysis confirmed that Feral Interactive, who previously ported Alien: Isolation already to Linux and Mac (they probably love…
Alien: Isolation - After 2013's terrible Aliens: Colonial Marines, 2014's Alien: Isolation was outstanding - no wonder it's going to be one of the many games that receive a Nintendo Switch port.

Here’s How Alien: Isolation…

After 2013’s terrible Aliens: Colonial Marines, 2014’s Alien: Isolation was outstanding – no wonder it’s going to be one…