Tag: Beamdog

If you're a die-hard RPG fan, be sure to read on because Humble Bundle's Baldur's Gate saga action might be of interest to you...

More Cuts Under Embracer…

Launched by two ex-BioWare developers, Trent Oster and Cameron Tofer, the studio is known for re-releasing previous CRPGs.  …
The Beamdog team has unveiled the release date on consoles of the legendary Baldur's Gate and other great RPG that achieved fame on PC in the last decades, being, therefore, a unique opportunity to enjoy in PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch some of the best role playing games in the history of video games.

Baldur’s Gate and other…

Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment and Neverwinter Nights prepare to land in Xbox One, PS4 and Switch. The Beamdog team…

Multiple Old Games Are…

Beamdog and Skybound Games announced that six older games (including classics!) will be getting console ports for the first…

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