Tag: CrepChiefNotify

CrepChiefNotify doesn't want to get filthy rich by just scalping the PlayStation 5 - they now put their dirty hands on the Xbox Series X. console shortage

The PlayStation 5 Scalper…

The scalper group called CrepChiefNotify has taken thousands of Xbox Series X units away from the customers, only to…
CrepChiefNotify doesn't want to get filthy rich by just scalping the PlayStation 5 - they now put their dirty hands on the Xbox Series X. console shortage

The First Step Against…

The retailer wants to stop a group of scalpers to resell their stock for a lot of cash, and…
CrepChiefNotify doesn't want to get filthy rich by just scalping the PlayStation 5 - they now put their dirty hands on the Xbox Series X. console shortage

The Infamous Scalping Group…

CrepChiefNotify doesn’t want to get filthy rich by just scalping the PlayStation 5 – they now put their dirty…
A new console means a new chance for a few people to get filthy rich - the PlayStation 5 wasn't safe from scalpers.

Scalpers Bought Several Thousand…

A new console means a new chance for a few people to get filthy rich – the PlayStation 5…