Tag: Curve Digital

The development team at Neon Giant has given PlayStation users some hope by admitting that it is aware of potential claims about The Ascent for PlayStation 5, and urged gamers to be on the lookout.

The Developer Of The…

The development team at Neon Giant has given PlayStation users some hope by admitting that it is aware of…
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind is a puzzle-adventure game.

Peaky Blinders: Mastermind: From…

Curve Digital (the publisher) and FuturLab (the developer) announced that they are making a game adaptation of a multi-award-winner…
Narcos: Rise of the Cartels will be a turn-based strategy a la X-Com/Jagged Alliance.

Narcos: Rise of the…

The answer to this question is A Knight's Quest.

A Knight’s Quest: A…

What if a clumsy adventurer makes a huge mistake, which puts his world into grave danger? The answer to…
Luckily, there's a welcome addition to American Fugitive's gameplay: as you progress, you will gain experience points to upgrade your skills on a skill tree.

American Fugitive – NotGTA

Luckily, there's a welcome addition to American Fugitive's gameplay: as you progress, you will gain experience points to upgrade your skills on a skill tree.

American Fugitive: A Retro…

If you look at the first video, you might feel like you’re watching one of the first two Grand…

From A Netflix Series…

While Narcos‘ fourth season is in production, a game adaptation was also announced. Curve Digital announced that Kuju (who…

The Swindle will sneak…

We won’t be left behind even in the middle of the summer, when it comes to video game releases.…