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Tag: Days Gone 2

Fair warning, but minor spoilers ahead. The story of Days Gone is a rather simple one, where humanity gets overrun by Freakers.

Days Gone: What Could…

Days Gone: Jeff Ross has been in the press for a while now recently (including for one comment that…
Jeff Ross, former director of Days Gone, has taken direct aim at local management

Days Gone: „Rushed, Misleading…

According to one of the actors of Days Gone, there were examples of rushing the review for Sony Interactive…
To finish it off, a trivia: the same team (as Eidetic) has created one of the worst games of all time two decades ago: Bubsy 3D!

Days Gone 2: „Don’t…

This might be one of the toughest statements we have heard recently from the gaming industry, and it comes…
Days Gone - The PlayStation 4-exclusive Days Gone will launch on April 26.

Days Gone 2: The…

Jeff Ross was Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) Bend Studio’s person to be responsible for directing Days Gone, and he…
Days Gone - The PlayStation 4-exclusive Days Gone will launch on April 26.

Days Gone creators recruit…

Bend Studio is looking for new developers for its next big production after Days Gone. For PS5? It was…
Just a few days ago we told you that Sony Bend Studio is already working on its next title, Days Gone 2 on PS4 or PlayStation 5?

Sony Bend Studio leaves…

Just a few days ago we told you that Sony Bend Studio is already working on its next title,…

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