Tag: Focus Home Interactive

Cthulhu's story turns 90 this summer - can you believe it that Lovecraft wrote it in the summer of 1926? If the game is going to be as good as the original novel, we should be in for a good scare.

Call of Cthulhu: huge…

Focus Home Interactive decided to take an entirely different approach to the Call of Cthulhu game, which was announced…
We're eager to play this game! The only question is that how boring or exciting will it be for us to get to one of the five endings. We believe in Spiders' abilities.

Four new The Technomancer…

Spiders‘ game The Technomancer is returning to Mars. Returning? Yes: their previous game called Mars: War Logs unsurprisingly had…

Focus Home Interactive: announcements…

Despite not having heard a lot from Focus Home Interactive, they are in good financial status – they plan…

theGeek TV