Tag: Metroid

The adventures of the famous bounty hunter will arrive exclusively on Nintendo Switch in October in Metroid Dread.

Is Nintendo Planning Another…

The developer has been rumored, but their name is not a significant surprise.   We haven’t heard much about…
The Spanish MercurySteam has been nominated for The Game Awards and is already working on an ambitious RPG

Metroid Tactics: A Rejected…

This game would have been created at the studio that developed the Metroid Prime trilogy and would have been…
An industry insider claims that Nintendo is working on a Metroid Prime remaster, which is scheduled for release later this year.

Metroid Game Could Have…

An interview with Paul Tozour of Retro Studios reveals that they once developed an X-COM-like Metroid game for Nintendo…

Metroid: Samus’s Moans Were…

While the recently released Metroid Dread returned to the saga’s 2D roots, the 3D episodes also contributed to the…
The long-awaited 2D Metroid 5 is coming to Nintendo Switch this autumn.

Metroid Dread celebrates its…

The long-awaited 2D Metroid 5 is coming to Nintendo Switch this autumn.   Today is a special day for…
Brie Larson, aka Captain Marvel, is a huge fan of the character, and she’d want to put on the legendary armor in a possible Metroid movie!

Brie Larson Would Like…

Brie Larson, aka Captain Marvel, is a huge fan of the character, and she’d want to put on the…