Tag: Nintendo Switch

This point is where I have to say that God Eater 3 is not enjoyable in longer sessions. Only play it in shorter bursts (or should I say Bursts?), and for that, I'd rather recommend the Nintendo Switch port.

God Eater 3 –…

Killing Aragamis Three
Obsidian - The Outer Worlds - However, they showed more than that in the presentation. They also gave us another glimpse at their „VATS” - the slow-down of time that you have seen before in Fallout 3/New Vegas/4 - it already looks promising in its work-in-progress format...

The Outer Worlds: Launch…

We’re less than a week from the not-Fallout The Outer Worlds‘ launch, and unlike other IPs, Obsidian didn’t release…
Okami - I was discussing the rating before writing the review because I firmly believe that the game is outstanding

A New Okami Might…

In new Okami, GhostWire: Tokyo’s former creative director might also take part. Ikumi Nakamura showed up in Bethesda’s E3…
Nintendo Switch - Shuntaro Furukawa, the president of Nintendo, answered whether the Nintendo Switch would get a new version, or maybe a price cut that might be necessary as the console is almost two years old.

The Nintendo Switch Sells…

Nintendo Switch is two-and-a-half-year-old console that could also be used as a handheld is selling far better than the…
Ion Fury - The heavy metal band demands two million dollars because the game's name, Ion Maiden is too similar!

Ion Fury – You…

You Mean Ion Maiden
Until now, there were plans that Blizzard would hold a launch party for Overwatch in New York City in the US

Blizzard Is Afraid: They…

Nintendo had to officially apologize for the inconvenience, too… Until now, there were plans that Blizzard would hold a…
The story of Valfaris is a rather straightforward affair, you are Theon bent on revenge after your homeworld finally reappears from the void.

Valfaris – In The…

In The Grim Future There Is Only Metal!
Including the epic single-player campaigns of both Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light, Metro Redux takes you on a journey from the forgotten catacombs beneath the subway to the desolate wastelands above, where your actions will determine the fate of mankind,” the product description reads.

Is Metro: Redux Heading…

Metro 2033 Redux and Metro: Last Light Redux might be showing up on the Nintendo Switch. The two games’…
Fortnite Chapter 2 - Fortnite - There were people who didn't want to work during weekends, and when they missed a deadline, they got fired. Contractors knew that refusing work will lead to not extending their contract when their term ends.

Fortnite Is Facing A…

A law firm in Québec, Canada, has filed a class-action lawsuit against Fortnite. Epic Games‘ Fortnite Battle Royale has…
Electronic Arts - If you expect FIFA Street to return... well, you might not be disappointed that much.

Electronic Arts Leaked Hundreds…

Electronic Arts‘ fiasco is nearly as pathetic as Bethesda’s was with Fallout 76… FIFA 20 Global Series will be…

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