Tag: PlatinumGames

Scalebound - The multiplayer was presented at Microsoft's E3 program in the following video.

Hideki Kamiya Apologises For…

The director of Scalebound chats about the cancelled Xbox One title and reveals new details.     Hideki Kamiya,…
Bayonetta 3, which was announced during the 2017 The Game Awards, might have been somewhat forgotten recently.

Bayonetta 3: PlatinumGames Doesn’t…

It makes some sense, though: the Japanese studio is not responsible for funding the Bayonetta 3 game, as one…
The Babylon's Fall testing is split into phases, and it will expand to other platforms in later phases, but first, only PC users will get the chance to test PlatinumGames' upcoming title, in a regional split no less.

Babylon’s Fall: PlatinumGames Explains…

The developer of Babylon’s Fall has also revealed when the second phase will come, which will be based on…
The Babylon's Fall testing is split into phases, and it will expand to other platforms in later phases, but first, only PC users will get the chance to test PlatinumGames' upcoming title, in a regional split no less.

Babylon’s Fall: We Can…

The Babylon’s Fall testing is split into phases, and it will expand to other platforms in later phases, but…
Bayonetta 3: Don't Worry, It Isn't Cancelled

Bayonetta 3 „Still Exists!”

Nintendo and PlatinumGames are quite secretive about the third story of Cereta.   Nintendo was effectively the last prominent…
PlayStation 5 - japan stats

„The Japanese Developers Won’t…

Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba, two founders of PlatinumGames, claim that even though Sony‘s priorities (and mindset…) changed, the…
PlatinumGames - Project G.G. - It seems that this is going to be the second of the Platinum 4 titles (the first one being The Wonderful 101 Remastered's Kickstarter-campaign).

Platinum 4: The Fifth…

The Japanese team made the four announcements five, but this is still going to make the fans happy. Recently,…
Don't worry about getting your winchesters full, but try not to get your head chainsawed off, because yes, one of the minibosses can do that to you.

Is Resident Evil 4…

M-Two, formed from ex-PlatinumGames members, is allegedly seeing its role highly reduced in the development… We wrote in April…
NieR: Automata - It is a fun hack n slash gameplay, but the ease of pulling off massive combos can feel annoying for some, especially when the game sticks a player in an attack animation.

NieR: Automata: The Last…

Nearly four years after the launch of Yoko Taro‘s game, its final secret has been found. Better late than…
These parts are made up of a proportion of combat, but they also put special emphasis on two of the things I liked most about Astral Chain.

Astral Chain 2: PlatinumGames’…

Nintendo probably backs the project (just like how they did with Bayonetta 2, and the big N now also…

theGeek TV