Tag: PlayStation 3

The console, which is slowly turning fourteen years old, is going to have its abilities somewhat cut back shortly with the PlayStation 3 messages gone. PlayStation 5

The PlayStation 3 Emulator…

A popular PlayStation 3 emulator will launch every game released for the console, marking a new milestone in its…
The console, which is slowly turning fourteen years old, is going to have its abilities somewhat cut back shortly with the PlayStation 3 messages gone. PlayStation 5

A Video Shows An…

The Linus Tech Tips channel has presented something that is already awaiting legal threats from Sony…   An early…
The console, which is slowly turning fourteen years old, is going to have its abilities somewhat cut back shortly with the PlayStation 3 messages gone. PlayStation 5

Sony Ends PlayStation 3…

Both the PlayStation 3 console’s and the peripherals’ support is ending shortly, so Sony’s machine is ending its official…
The PlayStation summary reviews the number of hours played, trophies won and more

PS3 Games Appearing On…

It seems that the illusions were short-lived because in the end PS3 games appearing on PS5 was a mistake…
The PlayStation summary reviews the number of hours played, trophies won and more

Extending Backwards Compatibility? PS3…

Sony must be preparing something. Otherwise, games released two generations earlier wouldn’t appear on PlayStation 5 PlayStation Store.  …
The other group defends that what the most famous Spartan of video games has done is, simply, to adapt to the new times. God of War

Every War with the…

All the God of War Games, From Worst to Best
In the last hours, Sony has released the PS4 sales data confirming that its PlayStation Network online service has had the best year in its history, and another of the highlights has to do with the PlayStation Now streaming service, which already has a base of 700,000 users.

PlayStation Now Gift Cards…

Sony Interactive Entertainment is slowly removing the gift cards only usable for the PlayStation Now service, and the company…
PlayStation Now - There are several interesting games on the list, especially Capcom stepped behind PS Now: Resident Evil 4, 5, 6, Mega Man 9, 10, Lost Planet 2, 3, Dead Rising 2, earlier Street Fighter games, but there's also Sniper Ghost Warrior, Red Faction Battlegrounds and many more.

Sony Planned PlayStation Now…

The cloud service previously had Sony plans, which have since been scrapped, in the context of the ongoing lawsuit…
Patrick Plourde, the creator of Child of Light (perhaps the last non-AAA Ubisoft game we've ever seen), hints that something is in the works for the franchise.

A Child Of Light…

Patrick Plourde, the creator of Child of Light (perhaps the last non-AAA Ubisoft game we’ve ever seen), hints that…
While the official servers are closed, a group of players decided to create unofficial servers to keep on playing with the PlayStation3 games.

Fans bring back unofficial…

While the official servers are closed, a group of players decided to create unofficial servers to keep on playing…

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