Tag: PlayStation 3

Sony - PS Vita - No life... literally!

Was Sony Planning To…

An ex-Sony employee has revealed that Sony’s soon-to-fully-die handheld that wasn’t able to keep up with the Nintendo 3DS…
Thankfully, it was just a mistake on Sony's end, but they still made a few PlayStation 4 titles cost a wealth on the PlayStation Store.

PlayStation Store: The Complete…

Here are all the 139 titles that will be lost forever after the closure of the PlayStation Store on…
The console, which is slowly turning fourteen years old, is going to have its abilities somewhat cut back shortly with the PlayStation 3 messages gone. PlayStation 5

The PlayStation 3 Servers…

After Sony announced that the PlayStation Store will close for the PlayStation 3, the PlayStation Vita, and the PSP…
Thankfully, it was just a mistake on Sony's end, but they still made a few PlayStation 4 titles cost a wealth on the PlayStation Store.

PlayStation Store: 120 Exclusives…

The PlayStation 3, the PlayStation Portable, and the PlayStation Vita will see their respective PlayStation Store close down this…
Sony - PS Vita - No life... literally!

Not All PlayStation Vita…

It’s another twist in the story: after the closure of the PlayStation Store was officialized on Sony‘s currently last…
Thankfully, it was just a mistake on Sony's end, but they still made a few PlayStation 4 titles cost a wealth on the PlayStation Store.

It’s Official: Three PlayStation…

The web browser workaround solution is also gone, so an era has come to an end. Sony announced on…
The game was first announced a dozen years ago - and it twists the story even further. Six Days in Falujjah

Six Days In Fallujah:…

The procedural generation (which was seen in No Man’s Sky for instance) will mean you can’t „learn” the stages.…
The console, which is slowly turning fourteen years old, is going to have its abilities somewhat cut back shortly with the PlayStation 3 messages gone. PlayStation 5

Will The Digital Stores…

Sony might be following through its thought of „eliminate the past for good” (as they have previously done so…
The game wasn't planned to have turn-based gameplay. Instead, it was meant to have a real-time strategy.

2012’s XCOM Could Have…

The game wasn’t planned to have turn-based gameplay. Instead, it was meant to have a real-time strategy. 2012’s XCOM:…
The founder and CEO of Quantic Dream says that the stronger hardware on its own isn't going to make a console a winner. console war

The First Next-Gen Sales…

It’s only limited to one country, but it’s still more than nothing: we know how many PlayStation 5s and…

theGeek TV