Tag: PlayStation 5

Resident Evil 8: Village

Resident Evil 8: Village:…

Biohazard Declassified published new rumours about Capcom’s game. The site (which uses the Japanese original name of Resident Evil,…
Bloodborne - Could it be that the sequel is Bloodborne 2, the reboot is for Armored Core, and the new project is virtual reality-related? Square Enix

Is Bloodborne Getting Ported…

FromSoftware‘s PlayStation 4-exclusive might be seeing a release on two more platforms. One of them could be surprising. „I…
DualShock 5 - PS5 - Sony is not going to launch one but two version of the PlayStation 5.

PlayStation 5: Diagrams Of…

The DualSense controller’s diagrams can also be seen – and it confirms once more that it will contain a…
Sony has thrown another two hundred million dollars at the creators of the Unreal Engine, and it was part of another round of getting investment funds for Epic Games.

Epic Games: New Engine…

Epic Games shows up in the news recently, although due to the Unreal Engine 5 reveal, it makes sense…
PlayStation 5 SSD - There's another rumour about the next-generation PlayStation 5, which still doesn't have an official name yet.

The PS5 chip will…

The core of the console would begin its last tests in a week, before beginning its production on a…
Summer of Gaming 2020

Two More Events Delayed…

Sony’s The Future of Gaming event (featuring the PlayStation 5) was just the beginning – since then, we heard…
Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5: A…

Kim Libreri, the chief technical officer of Epic Games, thinks that there could be a crossover in the next…
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X - Next-Gen Consoles

Stable 60 FPS Is…

Ljubomir Peklar, the director of Scorn (which is being developed at a Serbian studio, Ebb Software), thinks there’s not…
Kaldaien, the modder, has already fixed other games, now he’s making the PC version of Guerrilla Games’ Horizon: Zero Dawn playable.

Horizon Zero Dawn 2:…

Guerrilla Games‘ two people might have hinted at it. Richard Oud, the lead animator of Horizon Zero Dawn, tweeted,…
Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment have published a trailer for The Last of Us Part II to give us a bit of a taste of its story.

The Last Of Us…

Naughty Dog‘s game offers a ton of functions to make the game playable for everyone. Emilia Schatz and Matthew…

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