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Tag: PlayStation

Unreal Engine 4.25

Unreal Engine 4 graphics…

Epic Games unveils version 4.25 of the program, which will be further optimized in the future. Epic Games has…
DiRT Titles - The career mode has problems.

Codemasters: Two New DiRT…

One of them is not developed by the DiRT Rally studio. (Then could it be Slightly Mad Studios? They…
Prince of Persia 6 - In Forgotten Sands we will learn, that the Prince has an older brother, Malik, who tries desperately to stop an invading army besieging the family castle.

Prince of Persia 6…

A domain appears that has raised suspicions about the development of the game. The Prince of Persia saga is…
Summer Game Fest 2020

Summer Game Fest 2020:…

The reporter, who formerly helmed E3 Coliseum (and now heads Gamescom’s opening night program, as well as be the…
GDC (Game Developers Conference) provided its newest survey, and it doesn't paint a highly optimistic future for us.

GDC Summer 2020: It’ll…

The physical programs are off the table, the but the Game Developers Conference (GDC for short) will not be…
According to Yu Suzuki (who worked on several popular games under SEGA), it would be a lot of fun to remake the first and second parts of Shenmue using Unreal Engine 5.

Shenmue 4: Yu Suzuki…

Shenmue’s creator wants to make a „more compact” title for the sequel, despite calling open-world games trendy nowadays. Shenmue,…
Assassin's Creed saga - Assassin's Creed - We learned a few new numbers regarding Ubisoft's IP sales and player figures, favourable tot he Assassin's Creed series.

What is the highest…

We review the ratings that each of the action and adventure video games from Ubisoft has received on Metacritic.…
Days Gone - The PlayStation 4-exclusive Days Gone will launch on April 26.

Days Gone creators recruit…

Bend Studio is looking for new developers for its next big production after Days Gone. For PS5? It was…
DUNE - MOVIE NEWS - In November 2020, we will finally see director Denis Villeneuve's epic movie adaptation of Frank Herbert's masterpiece sci-fi novel Dune.

DUNE: We’re Still Years…

Funcom (who announced that they will revive the IP) says that we are several years away from the game…
Sony came up with a patent in February that would add sensors to the PlayStation controller to recognize who was playing.

DualSense: It Could Be…

One of the key personnel in the Dying Light 2-developing Techland studio believes that the controller that is coming…

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