Tag: Pornhub

Pornhub - Still, we can interpret this situation as marketing for Overwatch that hits the shelves on May 24.

We Weren’t Disappointed In…

Pornhub releases an annual recap each year, and they never forget including the console, video game-related aspects either. It’s…

Fortnite Isn’t The Best…

Epic Games might not have expected to be the leader in such a subject… Pornhub has released its annual…
They say that the ten percent dip, which started on November 10 at 5 AM, when most of the players finished downloading something

The Philippines Encounter Several…

Rodrigo Duterte garners attention once again. Duterte, who won the presidential elections in 2016, has had quite aggressive comments…

PlayStation Won Something Completely…

Statistics are hard numbers, and they show one unusual result with PlayStation in the lead. Pornhub closed 2016, and…
Will Blizzard or Gearbox's Battleborn win the duel?

Attention! The Overwatch Beta…

Blizzard – seeing how their game has become a pornographic success – decided to extend their multiplayer FPS, Overwatch‘s…
Pornhub - Still, we can interpret this situation as marketing for Overwatch that hits the shelves on May 24.

You won’t believe, how…

Blizzard Entertainment’s latest foray into gaming is a multiplayer FPS called Overwatch, which is coming out a few weeks…
Due to Sony having more consoles sold than Microsoft, it logically makes sense that they are used more for adult things... so congratulations, Sony!

Half of Pornhub’s console…

It’s not a shame to admit that we are sometimes looking at adult content. (Even if you deny, you…

Pornhub: Our traffic decreased,…

Pornhub had a quite humorous announcement about their lower traffic recently. They had a quite logical explanation on why…