Tag: Sony

It could be targeted for future application in PlayStation VR 2 but has not yet been officially granted

PlayStation VR: Even Sony…

We hear from more and more people that Sony is slowly sliding behind the competition on the virtual reality…
Sony came up with a patent in February that would add sensors to the PlayStation controller to recognize who was playing.

DualSense: Noise Filtering Microphone…

Sony has tricked us: instead of calling the PlayStation 5’s controller DualShock 5, they call it DualSense. The DualSense…
PlayStation Market Leader - The Power Of PlayStation 5 - Xbox Series X - Both Sony and Microsoft might plan to release two different PlayStation 5 or Xbox models respectively - we wonder how the two console manufacturers will use in their respective marketing.

Xbox Series X: A…

Crytek’s rendering engineer, Ali Salehi believes the PlayStation 5 will be a better console than the Xbox Series X.…
PlayStation 5 Release Date - DualShock 5 - PlayStation 5's SSD - Sony Interactive Entertainment's patents continue to be found, so Sony's plans about the PlayStation 5 (or ideas at least - not every patent becomes reality) keep being figured out before the announcement(s).

PlayStation 5: There Is…

The developers will have an easier job when it comes to optimising their games – perhaps this is the…
The Last Of Us Part II leaked - Naughty Dog - The Last Of Us Part II - If it's true (and why wouldn't it be?

The Last Of Us…

Neil Druckmann, the creative director of The Last of Us Part II, also grabbed a microphone after the somewhat…
PlayStation 5 SSD - There's another rumour about the next-generation PlayStation 5, which still doesn't have an official name yet.

PlayStation 5: Enough Power…

Mark Cerny, the lead system architect of the PlayStation 5 (as well as the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation…
Sony Interactive Entertainment has made the difficult decision to delay the launch of The Last of Us Part II and Marvel’s Iron Man VR until further notice.

The Last Of Us…

The two PlayStation titles planned to arrive in May got into a foggy situation due to the coronavirus. „Sony…
Sony - What's going to happen to DriveClub? Evolution was working on VR-support for their late-2014 game.

Sony’s Japan Studio Forms…

With the start of the new fiscal year, Sony has rearranged the organisation a bit – such news at…
The relationship between Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and the Russian market has been troubled for some time, because of the details of the plot and the share of controversy that this involves.

Sony decides not to…

The title is available on Xbox and PC via Battle.net The relationship between Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and…
PlayStation Market Leader - The Power Of PlayStation 5 - Xbox Series X - Both Sony and Microsoft might plan to release two different PlayStation 5 or Xbox models respectively - we wonder how the two console manufacturers will use in their respective marketing.

DFC Intelligence: PlayStation To…

The game industry analyst firm believes that the next PlayStation will help Sony keep being the market leader. This…

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