Tag: Sony

PlayStation 4 7.50 firmware - - PlayStation 4 - launches its update 6.72 and Although the official patch notes don't mention more than „This system software update improves the quality of the system performance,” a few users have reported on Reddit.

Here’s PlayStation 4’s 7.00…

Sony is coming out with a major system software upgrade for the PlayStation 4 that is slowly getting into…
PlayStation 5 - Xbox Project - Microsoft-Sony - PlayStation - Streamboxes are also likely to see announcements at E3. Microsoft would have similar items to Amazon's Fire Stick or Google's Chromecast. We'll see at the E3!

PlayStation 5, Xbox Project…

The two next-gen consoles will have the biggest computing jump as well so far. The PlayStation 5 and the…
Sony - What's going to happen to DriveClub? Evolution was working on VR-support for their late-2014 game.

Internal Problems In Sony…

After two leaders have left Sony (and it doesn’t matter if they retired or departed, leaving is the key…
Thanks for everything, Shawn!”, the official PlayStation Twitter account tweeted. Sony, PlayStation 5.

One Of The Leaders…

After Andrew House, another key person leaves Sony. Sony announced on its website – albeit in Japanese – that…
PlayStation Plus - So, the balance isn't entirely positive for February, but the appearance of MGS4 in the February line-up on PS3 isn't a bad idea.

PlayStation Plus: What Can…

Sony has tricked us big time, as this time around, they did NOT wait until the last Wednesday of…
DualShock 5 - PS5 - Sony is not going to launch one but two version of the PlayStation 5.

Sony Will Also Combat…

Sony Interactive Entertainment joins the UN under the Playing For The Planet Alliance. The next-gen PlayStation was also mentioned…
DualShock 5 - PS5 - Sony is not going to launch one but two version of the PlayStation 5.

Two PlayStation 5 Variants…

Sony might not be doing the same thing PlayStation 5,  they did – together with Microsoft – in the…
Paris Game Week - Also, NieR was just announced at E3 and that PlatinumGames is developing it, but we know pretty much nothing more of it. Glad to see Final Fantasy XV and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided too.

Sony Will Attend Paris…

It’s surprising, as Sony tends to avoid events (a few examples: E3 2019, Gamescom 2019…), and despite this approach,…
PlayStation 4 - Several signs point to the announcement happening during Paris Game Week, which will begin on October 28, and it also looks like Sony is going to have a bigger presence there. Think about the rumours of Quantic Dream announcing their PS4-exclusive title during this event!

The PlayStation 4 Is…

While there have been 100+ million shipped PlayStation 4s around the world in about five and a half years,…

There Will Be No…

After E3 and Gamescom, Sony skips the Tokyo Game Show opportunity as well. Sony’s approach has noticeably changed, and…

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