Tag: Sony

PlayStation 4 7.50 firmware - - PlayStation 4 - launches its update 6.72 and Although the official patch notes don't mention more than „This system software update improves the quality of the system performance,” a few users have reported on Reddit.

PlayStation 4 Gets The…

No, it doesn’t brick your console, but you might be finding yourself somewhat shocked if you live in one…
Sony thinks an instant in-depth demo of the PS4 NEO later the year should work out much better.

PlayStation 5: It’s Likely…

Andrew House, who’s not the head of Sony Interactive Entertainment Anymore, knows a thing or two. Polygon reported about…

A Publisher Apologizes For…

A step too far, perhaps. In the April issue of MCV, Takuro Yamashita, the CEO, and president of NIS…
PlayStation 5 - We’re really excited about what the next generation PlayStation will do.

PlayStation 5: Will It…

The next Sony console’s rumors are continuing to spread. This time, a more reliable (and not a paywalled…) source…

Gran Turismo + Audi…

Polyphony Digital and Sony Interactive Entertainment teamed up with Audi. They uploaded a teaser trailer for a new Vision…
PlayStation 5 - We’re really excited about what the next generation PlayStation will do.

The First Details Of…

There will be a new PlayStation, that’s for sure. However, there is now information starting to spread out regarding…
Sony - PS Vita - No life... literally!

Sony: The PlayStation Vita…

With a Twitter reply, Sony effectively confirmed the situation which has been happening for the past few years. It’s…
The console, which is slowly turning fourteen years old, is going to have its abilities somewhat cut back shortly with the PlayStation 3 messages gone.

You Can Still Ask…

The argument between Sony and OtherOS happened because of Linux. In short: Sony removed the Linux-support from the first,…

PlayStation Network: The February…

This time, Sony presented a duo of interesting charts. We have to clear up something, though – we only…
Despite attempts to adapt Fortnite to Beijing's regulations, Epic Games are giving up on the market

Fortnite: There’s Interest For…

Two out of three parties are interested. The third one refuses to join. Regarding Fortnite, last weekend, it was…

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