Tag: Sony

Let's hope they don't have to rush because of deadlines.

[E3 2015] We can…

Let’s talk about the third expansion first, which officially got announced by Bungie at E3, after Red Bull leaked…

Tearaway Unfolded got a…

One of the best PlayStation Vita-exclusive titles was Tearaway, which is now going to take a trip to the…

CoD: AW’s Supremacy got…

Sledgehammer Games and Activision has announced the third Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s DLC release date for the PlayStation…
And look how gorgeous it is going to be! Although the PlayStation 3's Future trilogy looked quite decent

Ratchet & Clank’s in…

We already knew about Sony‘s plans: they will see an animation movie and a PlayStation 4-exclusive rethinking of the…
Shuhei Yoshida says that he would like to see virtual reality-support for Gran Turismo 7.

GT7 might have a…

Although seeing early preordering sites are natural nowadays (deleting them shortly thereafter as well), but now, the owners of…

Sony’s 2014 results

The fiscal year of 2014 has ended, so Sony has published their financial results of this time period the…

This is how the…

We’ve recently talked about how the June 23-dated Batman: Arkham Knight will receive a unique PlayStation 4, but up…

Bloodborne storms the charts…

Sure, both Sony and From Software has the advantage of being local companies, but it is still an interesting…

Sony buys OnLive… and…

Sony is expanding. PlayStation Now is built upon Gaikai’s technology, but now the company has managed to purchase another…

DriveClub’s MotorStorm buggies on…

The buggy cars have really made the jump from MotorStorm to DriveClub – Evolution Studios did indeed pull them…

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