Tag: Sony

Guerrilla Games has confirmed that the development of Horizon Forbidden West is now complete

Horizon Forbidden West: Significantly…

The Guerrilla team focuses on every aspect of the upcoming Horizon Forbidden West, resulting in a more prosperous world…
According to CNET, the Sony vice-president in question allegedly wanted to meet a 15-year-old boy.

CNET: A Sony VP…

According to CNET, the Sony vice-president in question allegedly wanted to meet a 15-year-old boy.     According to…
While Microsoft seems to go for a more customer-friendly approach with the Xbox-exclusive titles (we'll discuss it separately later), Sony might go against the „greens'” idea. Godfall

Godfall: Challenger Edition: ‘Not…

Counterplay Games is trying to defend Godfall’s honour, but of course, it may not be doing so with much…
To prevent Spider-Man's secrets from being revealed too early, the studio appears to be taking steps to prevent information from leaking prematurely

Spider-Man: No Way Home…

To prevent Spider-Man’s secrets from being revealed too early, the studio appears to be taking steps to prevent information…
PlayStation renews the titles offered on its service with a selection to suit all tastes PS Plus Bloober Team. PS Plus Extra. PS Plus Premium. PlayStation Plus.

PlayStation Plus Users In…

As Japanese users get other games on PlayStation Plus western fans get angry     Users in many countries…
The arrival of the PlayStation 5 somewhat throws a spanner into the usual things.

PlayStation Is Already Working…

Spartacus will merge PlayStation Plus and PS Now into a new three-tier subscription system when it launches.    …
Kirsten Dunst has revealed that she intends to reprise the iconic role although she would like it to be an older version

Kirsten Dunst Wants To…

Kirsten Dunst has revealed that she intends to reprise the iconic role although she would like it to be…
The PlayStation 5's hardware will offer a different approach than the Xbox Series X.

Sony Sends Out Invitations…

It’s Sony’s way of cutting the scalpers out of the equation in Western Europe, so you don’t have to…
The company is still working on Cyberpunk 2077, but fans can now get their hands on this collector's item

CD Projekt Announces Cyberpunk…

The company is still working on Cyberpunk 2077, but fans can now get their hands on this collector’s item…

US Versus Bots: A…

The “Stop the Grinch Bots” bill would mainly affect the console and graphics business and gyms.     It’s…

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