Tag: Warcraft III

Frost Giant Studios expects the Stormgate Early Access phase to last at least a year...

Stormgate: Early Access Is…

Frost Giant Studios expects the Stormgate Early Access phase to last at least a year…     Many fans…
RETRO - After four years of waiting in

Warcraft III – The…

The Winds Of Death In Azeroth
Diablo II Remaster - Diablo II Resurrected - There is still a large Diablo II community around the world, and we thank you for continuing to play and slay with us.

Is Blizzard Working On…

After applying a facelift to the first Starcraft, Diablo II, and Warcraft III might be up next. Blizzard announced…
Blizzard Classic Games' boss Robert Bridenbecker says that this isn't going to be the last Warcraft III patch.

„Work, work…” Another Classic…

Blizzard Entertainment isn’t just going to update Diablo II to make it run on modern systems without issues! The…

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