Tag: Wired Productions

Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles, the spinoff from the developer of The Falconeer, takes a unique approach to building.

Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles Takes…

Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles, the spinoff from the developer of The Falconeer, takes a unique approach to building.    …
LKA and Caracal Games won't release the first-person thriller Martha Is Dead in 2021, but seeing how many games have pushed themselves over to next year, what can another delay mean to us? Not much; we got used to it over the past few months.

Martha Is Dead: The…

LKA and Caracal Games won’t release the first-person thriller Martha Is Dead in 2021, but seeing how many games…
Members of the press can try Those Who Remain game at Gamescom.

Those Who Remain: Indie…

Members of the press can try Those Who Remain game at Gamescom. „As the lights go out, the embers…
I won’t gonna sugarcoat it: Close to the Sun is immensely disappointing and kinda bad. The only two redeeming qualities of this game are the sometimes good dialogues and the standout art style (including the world design) that together can create some fun and enjoyable moments that are able to elevate the product from the absolute mediocrity.

Close to the Sun…

Far from Greatness