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Tag: Wolfenstein

Wolfenstein. This name is synonymous with the birth of first person shooters, with its B movie style, nazi hunting, occult and horror elements that are tied to this name.

Wolfenstein – Medal of…

Medal of Horror (RETRO-2009)

Return to Castle Wolfenstein…

RETRO – Ten years ago was the first time we stepped into the boots of William “B.J.” Blazkowicz, the…

Doom and Wolfenstein share…

id Software confirms that BJ Blazkowicz is the great-grandfather of the Doom protagonist. Small references here and there; subtle…
With the release date being October of 2017 we would think that there’s not much time for the developers and the publisher to show the game off.

Wolfenstein II: The New…

Bethesda and MachineGames continue to expand the extermination of the Nazis, and now everyone can give the game a…

Expect Tekken And Wolfenstein…

Titan Comics, who previously were responsible for the Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and The Evil Within 2 comic…
With the release date being October of 2017 we would think that there’s not much time for the developers and the publisher to show the game off.

Wolfenstein II: The New…

A few days from the launch, MachineGames and Bethesda revealed what PC you’d need to run the game normally.…
With the release date being October of 2017 we would think that there’s not much time for the developers and the publisher to show the game off.

Wolfenstein: Bethesda Will Not…

The publisher cannot be moved from its approach whatsoever. Bethesda tweeted the following via its official Wolfenstein Twitter account:…

Return to Castle Wolfenstein…

RETRO – Ten years ago was the first time we stepped into the boots of William “B.J.” Blazkowicz, the…

Will There Be A…

After last year’s E3 teasing, the question might be coming into play shortly. Pete Hines, one of the bosses…

Another Sign Of The…

Bethesda has teased the new Wolfenstein game at E3, but now, someone else fueled our suspicions again. Brian Bloom…

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